
Friday Night Social - 5 mile option

Fri, 20 Sep
from 18:30 to 20:00

by David Oxlade
Posted: about 1 month ago
Updated: about 1 month ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Europe/London
Reminder: None
Ends: 20:00 (duration is about 2 hours)

David will be leading a 5ish miles of social, chatty run

Head torches will be required
Meet 6:30 at Duke of Wellington pub.
All paces welcome and all clubs.
And then we go to the pub!


Replies are closed.

330 people invited.
328 people did not reply.

6 people replied 'yes'.

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  • [2024-Sep-19 08:26] David Oxlade: Updated
  • [2024-Sep-19 08:27] David Oxlade: Updated
  • [2024-Sep-19 12:25] David Oxlade: Updated
  • [2024-Sep-19 12:25] David Oxlade: Updated
  • [2024-Sep-19 12:25] David Oxlade: Updated

Comments 3
